Stop Overcomplicating Things


Most of us are guilty of overcomplicating things at times. Does this sound familiar?

We think the only way to reach our goals is through deep planning and complex solutions.

That nothing is ever as easy as it seems.

In fact, if something is not difficult enough, we immediately think it's not a good solution to our problems.

I know.

I do that all the time.

A few months ago, I decided to start living a healthier life.

I retired and just about stopped all exercising, and I was starting to pack on a few extra pounds. I looked and felt terrible.

So, I decided to start exercising more and change my eating habits.

What I should have done was got up the next morning, blended up some yogurt and fruits for breakfast, followed by a long walk.

What I did was poured myself a big bowl of cereal and plopped down in front of the computer to research exercise plans and the top tips on eating better and healthier.

Cereal was followed by more coffee and a couple of cookies. You see where this was going right?

Basically, I made the whole process harder than it really was.

In the meantime, I wasn't getting any healthier or getting any closer to changing my habits.

I was just wasting my time overcomplicating problems that were not complicated at all.

Then it dawned on me that I already knew the solution. I just didn't want to see it because it was just too "easy".

All I had to do was to keep things simple.

I knew I needed to get up and move and I also knew I could eat most of the things I like, just eat smaller portions.

I realized that overthinking my decision was the thing that was holding me back from getting things done.

What I really had to do was to stop planning and start working towards my goal.

And so, I did.

I still start my day off updating my journal, checking emails, catching up on social media, and reading the news. The difference is, I limit that time and then go for a walk, go to the driving range and hit golf balls, just anything to get moving.

If I eat cereal, I have a small bowl. My blender is working more than ever mixing up my yogurt and fruits.

Tip: Blending a juice drink is easy, healthy and can replace any meal. Just get a small blender, throw in yogurt and fruits of your choice, top it off with milk or liquid yogurt, blend it and you are set. Experiment until you get the blend you like and enjoy.

When I stopped thinking about this like rocket science, everything changed for the better.

Slowly I started seeing improvements. My energy levels are higher, and my belt isn’t near as tight.

All because I stopped thinking about what I needed to do and started doing what I knew I needed to.

So, next time you find yourself overcomplicating things, use the KISS method.

Keep it Simple Stupid.

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