The Problem with the Body Positivity Movement
I just watched this video by Bill Maher The Problem with the Body Positivity Movement about the problem of being overweight and the problems of the body positivity movement. Just click on the link above and then click where it says the previous page is sending you to the YouTube video.
I hardly ever agree with him on political issues, but I find that he agrees with me on a lot of social issues.
Being overweight is a real issue, not only in America, but in many other countries around the world.
The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) shows a sizable increase in obesity in America adults and children since 1900.
A national health survey in England showed that 3/4 of people aged 45-74 were overweight or obese.
I live in South Korea and when I got here in 1999, you saw very few fat Koreans. There were not many fast food restaurants and the ones you did see where near military installations. Now they are everywhere and Koreans are getting a lot bigger.
Why is obesity on the rise?
To be honest, there are a few legitimate reasons that people are overweight and can't lose weight. Medical conditions is the only one that comes to mind. I do not mean, it hurts my knees or back to get up and walk. Those are results of being overweight, not a reason.
CDC shows that the average dining out meal is more than four time larger than it was in 1950. Of course there wasn't as many fast food restaurants and people ate out less in 1950.
People used to eat more healthy meals prepared at home. Now it's estimated that 80% of people eat junk food on a daily basis.
In many cases, it's cheaper so eat junk food than healthy foods. When you're counting every penny, it's hard to think healthy.
People don't move around like they used to. When I was a kid, we were always outside playing or doing things that kept us busy. In today's world with all the electronic gadgets, it's hard to get anyone out of the house. I know I sit at the computer more than ever.
The pandemic really caused huge problems. Gyms closed and people couldn't get out like they were before. This was not a good time to be trying to lose weight.
Is there a easy fix for this?
NO! it's not easy or there wouldn't be a problem.
Many people push diets or surgery, but unless you change your lifestyle, you're wasting time and money.
I know people who have done both and lost weight at first. Some stopped their diet and some who had the surgery continued to eat the way they did before and gained back all they lost or more.
Our goal should be to get to a target weight and stay that way for the rest of our life. That takes a huge lifestyle change and I am not that dedicated a lot of the time.
Making a lifestyle change doesn't mean living in a gym or being on a diet for the rest of your life. You can still eat what you want, just eat less and walk around more.
What is the fix?
USA Today wrote, "Science hasn't yet figured out how to solve obesity."
You've got to be kidding me! There are three E's that can help you lose weight and it's been known for hundreds of years. Eat less, Eat better and Exercise a little. I just wonder why USA Today writers haven't heard about it?
My story.
I weighted 240lbs until my doctor told me I needed a stint and I had better lose some weight or else. I'm down to 218lbs and I eat about the same as before, just not as much. I also walk for at least 1/2 an hour or more three or four times a week. I'm 6'2" so 218 is not bad for me considering my age. I still want to get down to 195-200 range.
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