Is it time to panic over the drought?

How bad could it be?

We are not even close to the panic state yet, but this is going to get worse before it gets better.

There have been ten civilizations or nations that collapsed from drought throughout history that we know of.

Most agree that there were other reasons for the collapses, but drought was a major cause. They either couldn't or wouldn't adapt to the changing conditions and there were massive die offs and people moved to better locations.

Scientist say the US has been in a drought for about 20 years. Some of those civilizations went through droughts of up to 300 years, so we could be in the early stages of this game.

The US has gone through some rough times before, like the Oklahoma dust bowl. With drought years from the early 1930s to the early 1940s, nineteen states in the heartland of the United States became a vast dust bowl.

With no chance of making a living, farm families abandoned their homes and land, fleeing westward to become migrant laborers.

We are no where close to those conditions yet.

How bad is it?

We only hear about the Southwest in the news because they are hit the hardest, but there are drought conditions all over the US.  

Most of our food comes from the Southwest, so we all have a stake in this. 

Is anyone to blame or is this due to climate change?

This is not the time to be pointing fingers at who is to blame since we all have a hand in daily water use.

Most experts agree that it is due to climate change.

What needs to be done. 

As water levels get lower, we are in a time crunch to come up with solutions. Our business, community and government experts need to come together and develop plans that benefits the entire country. 

Who knows, they may come up with something that could help countries that have been living through droughts conditions far longer than us. 

There are billions of people who don't even have clean drinking water and we are concerned that we might not be able to fill up our pools or water golf courses.  

It's time to get real and make some tough choices.

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