Change the way you view a To-Do List.

To-do lists are only useful if you actually do them… Richard Branson 

What is a To-Do List?

By definition a To-Do List is a list of tasks that need to be completed, typically organized in order of priority.

If you go by that definition, it's a list that you go over every day. You add, delete, and organize your tasks by priority for that day.

How do you use a To-Do List?

If you are one who uses a To-Do List daily, that's great for you. 

Are you like I was when it comes to a To-Do List? I would fill out my list with tasks that I felt had to be done, save it to my desktop and there it sat, mostly forgotten. I would stress out every so often because I hadn't updated my list. 

When I would review my list, many of those tasks would still be open. Guess what, those tasks were not that important to start with. There would even be some I would wonder why I put them on my list to start with. 

That was me until I watched a video where a guy said he list his must do tasks for that day at the top of his list. Those are the tasks that has to be done that day and usually it's no more than one or two. He still has all the other tasks listed, but they are not that important. If he gets them done, fine and if not that's fine also.

Bingo! The lightbulb came on. I could use my To-Do List as a might do list. That is what I do and that suits my lifestyle. No more stressing about a To-Do List.

Start looking at a To-Do List more as a Might Do List. 

Just because you add a task to a To-Do list, doesn't mean it has to be done today. 

I still use a To-Do List, but I think of it differently. My To-Do List has everything that pops into my head, or my wife's head, that I might need or want to do. How long my list is, doesn't matter at all. The important thing for me, is to get it written down as soon as it comes up. If not, I'll forget it.

I add tasks to my list, but I do not review it daily and I don't prioritize tasks. I don't add tasks that have to get done.

When I do go over my list, I look at the entire list to determine what I want to work on that day.

My recommendation is to make your list and add to it as needed. When you have some spare time, open it and knock out a task or two. 

Go over your list ever once in a while and delete all the tasks that no longer needs to get done. You'll be surprised at how many just go away with a little time.

Use a calendar for those tasks that must get done.

If you have something that absolutely has to be done, don't put it on your to-do list. Add it to a calendar and schedule a time or day to work on it.

If you have a desk or wall calendar, it's right in front of your face and it you use a digital calendar, set it up to notify you when the task is due.

I use both and I check them every morning to see what I have going on that day. I write that down in my daily journal as an extra reminder. 

For some reason, it seems scheduled tasks on a calendar gets done much more often than a task on a To-Do List. At least that is the way it is with me.

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